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Betrayal of Purpose

Updated: May 29, 2023

Does it bother anybody that a Lutheran church on the Southside of Bethlehem is snubbing the City’s effort to address the affordable housing problem by selling its prized parking lot to Lehigh University? I am pretty sure Lehigh will not be developing affordable housing on the lot. In fact, the City never knows what Lehigh has in mind until it’s already made up its mind.

Where is the bishop? Has anyone raised the question of how a congregation committed to the teachings of Jesus could come up with the idea that setting up Lehigh to play games with us yet again is a better idea than housing moderate-income families?

I don’t know about y’all, but I’m pretty tired of finding myself down the rabbit hole where crazy people do crazy things to crazy affect. Love is hate, war is peace, goofy idiots with orange skin and comb-overs make good presidents. And Lutheran churches ignore their fundamental reason for being while trashing the City as comparable to Hitler. Man, this rabbit hole is weird.

Photo Credit: Amy Shortell/Morning Call (via

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