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Exposing Lies, Trolls, and the Battle for Truth

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When I was at CACLV, I yielded to advice given by almost everyone to not "feed the trolls." I hated allowing the lies to go without response. Now that I'm "retired" I can just listen to my own conscience, which tells me to respond just in case the good people who might believe some of this bull know the facts.

First, Bernie O'Hare's only redeeming value is his family's relation to Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. Beyond that, O'Hare has never, ever done a thing to benefit this community except impugn the integrity of those who have tried their best to make a difference. He hates the idea that there are actually people among us who sacrifice on behalf of others and who do it with no motive but to help. He fits well into the culture of lies most artfully led by the sick man who was unelected by huge margins in 2020. He's right there among other acolytes like George Santos.

Bernie, you know you're lying. You know you are lying because you are contradicting what you said about me so many times right here in your own blog. You let one lying couple from the Pacific Northwest who lied about our wildly successful facade programs trash my reputation that led to the only negative article in any newspaper in my 42-year career. And you perpetuated those lies.

Now, onto the "trolls," the idiots, liars and cowards who added lies to your lies:

I have repeatedly said and written that I am not pushing for more affordable housing in Allentown, saying, instead, that Allentown must improve its existing housing stock because that substandard housing is attracting the kinds of people who most of us, regardless of skin color or income, wouldn't want to live next to. I have bugged the shit out of the suburbs in endless ways: pushing them to help fund the shelters, all located in cities; serving on the State Planning Board; helping the LV Partnership develop its strategic plan, called "Spirit of Investment;" creating RenewLV and much more.

I could go on and on. The reality, though, as sure as the former president is lying, the truth will not hinder, much less prevent, O'Hare's lying about people. It won't keep his trolls, most of whom are barely literate, from lying anonymously. That may be the most pathetic aspect of O'Hare's disgusting blog - that these idiots are allowed to peddle their lies in anonymity. They are cowards. They are losers. Like O'Hare, they probably don't have a single friend.

Bernie, get a real job. Get a friend. Look yourself in the mirror. It's not too late to save your soul.

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