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Updated: Jul 7, 2022

The following “rant,” as I like to call it, originally aired March 10, 2022, on WDIY’s Jennings Report.

You cannot watch the news on the attack on Ukraine by Russia and not be

disgusted. I can’t watch it. I can’t not watch it. Vladimir Putin is a thug, a madman,

a liar, a megalomaniac, a pathetic, testosterone-charged dictator. A murderer. He is

a man with no morals, no conscience, no heart, no soul.

And he’s a white man. So is Donald Trump. So is every mass murderer of school

children, the outdoor concert in Las Vegas. And every other horrifying use of a

gun to harm innocent people.

We white men have a problem. I’m inclined to believe that we are alienated from

the world as it has evolved. White men are being knocked off their pedestals. It

starts with our natural assets being devalued. Our world doesn’t need muscle. It

needs brains. It doesn’t need rage; it needs reason. it doesn’t need war; it needs

peace. It doesn’t need cockiness and self-confidence; it needs humility and

introspection. It doesn’t need hate; it needs love. It doesn’t need bullies; it needs

consensus builders. It doesn’t need apathy; it needs empathy.

The bullies’ victims have finally risen up. Well, almost. Imagine. Is there any way

that what’s unfolding in Europe would be occurring if the head of state was a


The white thing is really interesting. We are no better than anyone else. In fact, it is

pure luck that those of us who are white got to be white. White guys aren’t

guaranteed much anymore. And they sure do resent it.

Vladimir Putin may be the most dangerous person on the planet. His ego is bigger

than the planet. He won’t lose. He can’t lose. And we know the price we could

well pay if he does. Perhaps worse, we know the price we could well pay if he

wins. He is isolated and alone. He has no friends. The oligarchs use him. His

military is lousy. What does he have to lose? So, he’s white, he’s a man and he is a

loner. Hmmm. He’s got some pretty scary weapons. You’re damn right the idea

scares the hell out of me. This is a complicated world. With each of the choices we

have we have created some grave risks.

We all have to admit there are exceptions; not enough to put the stereotype to rest

but they are exceptions nonetheless.

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