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Shove It, Lehigh

There are a few developments involving the churches and parking lot battle on the Southside:

St Luke's

Network CEO Rick Anderson opposed the shelter on the site of the Windish church. (So did I.) He does not oppose the affordable housing being built on the lot.

He told me he would like to put an array of health and human services for the neighborhood in the church. That means, I think, that he can side with us on the property.

Good stuff, Rick!

St John's Windish Church

I learned today that Pastor Trump resigned at the end of December because she couldn't convince the church leadership to favor social ministry over an elitist university.

City of Bethlehem

Finally, Mayor Reynolds has upped the City's offer to exceed Lehigh's. Unfortunately, there is suspicion among some that they included a clause that raises their offer to exceed any other offer.

Their arrogance is like a big flip of the bird at this community. I now regret every affiliation I ever had with that school. I regret helping with the Governor's School, I regret teaching there for almost 10 years, I regret mentoring students and I'm withdrawing from being a senior fellow with the ESC.

Shove it, Lehigh.

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