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Updated: Jul 7, 2022

The following originally aired on April 22, 2022, on WDIY’s Jennings Report.

If you love your country, you’re loving your neighbor, your friend, your colleague,

the guy down the street and that person you don’t agree with because each of us is,

well, us.

We must see each other as members of the same tribe with a common agenda: to

have some freedom to be unique individuals but do so with care; to be able to pay

your bills, to raise a family, to live long, to love, to be loved, to die in dignity.

With all due respect, that means we need to be more sharing than accumulating,

more thoughtful than conniving, more friendly and more willing to understand that

nobody gets it all.

I recognize that that is least likely to occur during the mudslinging of a campaign

for elective office but it is the time when that approach is most needed.

So, ask yourself not whether the candidate is for tax cuts; ask whether their

position acknowledges that sometimes government spending is needed.

Consider whether the United Nations, almost every scientist and many of our

neighbors could possibly be lying about the dire consequences of our not taking

aggressive and immediate action to stop the baking of our planet; instead of being

excited that our climate is like the climate in Richmond, Virginia, or having to

worry about the unprecedented floods, tornados, snow stores and record-breaking


Ask yourself whether, if you were in desperate need to end a pregnancy how you

would feel if some male bureaucrat told you you aren’t mature enough to make the

right decision.

And what if you were a smart kid but were born in the Allentown School District

whether it’s fair that the kids lucky enough to be born to parents who can afford a

big house in the suburbs will get a totally different education.

Consider the ways you might judge someone’s integrity as a key factor in your

decision. Is this person honest? Is the candidate exposed to people of color, poor

people, gay or lesbian or disable or do they spend most of their time in the safe

confines of the country club? Did they earn their living being a slum landlord or

paying their workers too little to survive on?

Did they take time to listen to you or do they only hear the demands of those who

already have access to power? I would suggest that avoiding an audience of WDIY

listeners might give you a hint.

This is an off-year, which means the presidency is not in play. But the United

States Senate is and Pennsylvania has an open seat with the retirement of Pat

Toomey. Every Member of Congress is up, all members of the PA house and both

senate seats. Friends, each of these positions matter.

There are people around the world who are fighting for the right to vote in a fair

election. There are people around the world who are dying for the cause of

democracy. Let’s not let a fallen president convince you that somehow 7 million

votes (the number by which Mr. Trump lost) were cast illegally. Democrats wouldn’t have any idea how to pull that off, even if they wanted to. It is a lie. And that is a fact. Why would you vote for a liar? Why would you vote for someone who is endorsed by that liar?

Pennsylvania’s primary election will take place on May 17. That’s just about five

weeks away. If you are of voting age, don’t waste any time trying to convince

yourself that it’s OK to not vote. Thankfully, it is your right. Now please, make it

your duty.

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